GT: Eating Out in SM Mall of Asia

It’s simply amazing how many new restaurants and food places are opening up almost every week here in the Metro. There are so many of them to visit and so many new dishes to try. And I’m so glad we have a food blog to write about our foodie adventures.

One of the many places I love going back to is SM Mall of Asia. When I first went there, I was amazed by the number of food choices available to me. Like, seriously! There are about a hundred of food places there so anyone, whatever cravings you might have, you can be satisfied with the wide variety of restaurants/food establishments in MOA.

I remember enjoying just sitting at the Esplanade or MOA’s boardwalk area. There are a lot of restaurants there, too, including a small seafood market known as their own version of Dampa – Taste Asia. I haven’t dined there yet, but I’ve seen the place so I’m really looking forward to enjoying lunch with family or friends there really soon. If you want to know the wide choices of food and Asian cuisines available at Taste Asia, check out the post at Our Awesome Planet (right photo, credits to Anton).

I also love staying at the al fresco dining and hangout areas just outside the Hypermarket. I used to just stay there and watch people walk by, checking out what everyone’s wearing. Some on their flip flops, others in their formal or high-heeled shoes. Some look like fashion models strutting their stuff down that walk like they’re on an actual runway. It’s fun to watch seeing different kinds of fashion choices by people – some in petite clothing, really fashionable clothes; others, wearing scarves at noon time! It’s one of my habits actually. Just looking at how other people dress up. I think I was supposed to be a fashion designer, but I ended up designing blogs instead. *LOL* And that’s what I love about MOA. You can wear anything you want without feeling conscious.

Anyway, going back to the food establishments in SM Mall of Asia, here are some of those that I’ve already tried and have already written about here:

Bigby's Cafe & Restaurant in SM Mall of Asia -

The French Baker in SM Mall of Asia -

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