Bon Appetea : A Unique Take on Milk Teas

For almost a year now, our family have been tea drinkers. It all started with our dad who wanted to improve his wellness by regularly drinking tea. We saw the effects on him so we decided to try it ourselves.

At first, I admit, I was a little uncomfortable with the taste of tea in my mouth. I’ve been a coffee drinker most of my life so having to switch to tea for my dose of caffeine everyday wasn’t an easy transition. But, after a week or so of habitually drinking tea, I got so used to the taste that it became something I actually looked forward to everyday. And it helped me lose 30 pounds early this year, along with my less-rice diet. Drinking tea made me feel lighter and healthier in a way. 🙂

Bon AppeteaWe know the taste needs a lot of getting used to, but thank goodness for the milk tea places around the Metro, we can now enjoy the same health benefits of tea and milk while enjoying a cold (or warm) tasty thirst-quencher. One of the fairly new milk tea places we discovered is Bon Appetea (oohh, I just love the wordplay… but, wait, there’s more!).

We were invited to have a taste of what they had to offer when we dropped by the Bon Appetea Express Bar in Ortigas, at the Strata 2000 food court (this branch opened in mid-August of this year). Owner Tom Pestano, along with fellow foodie Jonel Uy, was there to introduce us to the milk tea flavors they have on their menu.

Unfortunately, I don’t have my notes from the said taste test anymore because of Typhoon Pedring, BUT, I can still remember which ones I loved and those that I can remember.

First, let me tell you that they have 7 menu groups that should make it easy for you to pick what you want.

For the purists or true-blue tea enthusiasts, you should go for the Simplicitea that you can order either hot or iced. Among the 5 variants under this menu group, I remember having a taste of the Jasmine Green Tea and Assam Black Tea. Between the two, I enjoyed the latter ‘cause I’m not really fond of anything flowery (long, funny story that goes back to my childhood days :D). I prefer stronger teas, even with coffee, so it was no surprise that it was what I remember the most among all the teas we had that warm afternoon. 🙂

You can see them prepare your milk teas at the Bon Appetea Express Brew in Ortigas

For beginners or those who don’t like the herby (a friend described it “grassy”) taste of tea, you should go for the Milk Teas offered by Bon Appetea. I loved Ambrosia – a combination of Assam Black Tea and brown sugar syrup. Obviously, it’s because of the black tea again. Well, I also liked the Morocco Nights, which is Jasmine Green Tea and peppermint. The slight minty flavor helped mask the flowery taste of Jasmine.

Our group's Bon Appetea milk teas

They also have other tea groups such as the Yogurt Teas, Fruit Teas, VitaliTea, and Herbal Teas. But, the other tea variant I loved was their NaughTeas. I told you there’ll be more wordplay, right? I just love how they came up with the names. Now, you might be wondering what the NaughTeas are all about. Well, they actually have a unique kick with a bit of alcohol content in the toppers added to them. I actually ordered a Long Island Iced Tea with vodka pearls for takeout. The alcohol content is subtle so I don’t think you’d have to worry about getting drunk over these NaughTeas. 😀

Continue reading Bon Appetea : A Unique Take on Milk Teas

Winners of our Jollibee Breakfast Joys Treat

Jollibee Breakfast Joys MealsFinally, after a couple of days deciding on who should win in our Jollibee Breakfast Joys giveaway, we have picked 3 winners. It was difficult, not only because there were a lot of good entries, but because we have different opinions. BUT, we ended up with a unanimous decision.

Since most of the entries had similarities, we picked those with the most unique statements or tips, but are more on the realistic side, meaning both of us can actually apply them in real life or those that we’ve tried ourselves and have been proven effective. 🙂

Again, the task was to share your top THREE (3) tips on how to start your day with a bright and positive note.

Without further ado, here are the THREE (3) winners who will each win a treat for 5 of their friends or family to a Jollibee Breakfast Joys meal:

Continue reading Winners of our Jollibee Breakfast Joys Treat

Tupperware Speedy Chopper : Making Home-Cooked Meals Less of a Hassle

I love cooking. Ever since I was 10 years old, I’ve loved staying in the kitchen, whether it’s to enjoy a meal or prepare something for myself or my family and friends. But, because of my very hectic schedules online and offline, I’ve left all the cooking to my bro Ken and our nanay. Thank goodness I found out about the all-new Tupperware Speedy Chopper.

Tupperware Speedy Chopper

Over a week ago, Ken and I were invited by Tupperware to take a Kitchen Discovery Class at Center for Culinary Arts Oceana at SM Mall of Asia. Of course, we gladly accepted mainly because Tupperware is a brand we believe in. We have Tupperware dinnerware and containers that have been with us for over 2 decades now. They make reliable and durable products that are made to last. 🙂

So, when we learned that they’re launching a new kitchen tool that should help prepping be less time-consuming, we knew we had to get our hands on it to try how it works.

Melody Yap, the brand manager of Tupperware Philippines, first showed us how it works. It’s so easy to use. Put in the ingredients you want to grind or chop finely in the container. Then, close it with the very sharp blades and start pulling on the cord to spin the three (3) blades inside. These blades, they claim, can equal 288 knife strokes in just 15 seconds. So we were all very excited to give it a try.

These very sharp blades can give you 288 knife strokes in 15 seconds

Tupperware enrolled us in the Kitchen Discovery Class in CCA and it started with 3 renowned female chefs (Yayyy! Girl power!) showing us how great the Speedy Chopper is in making your life easier in the kitchen.  They were all very delightful so we enjoyed watching them prepare these delicious dishes, Oh, and they used other Tupperware kitchen tools during the whole demo. 🙂

Continue reading Tupperware Speedy Chopper : Making Home-Cooked Meals Less of a Hassle

The Search for the Ultimate Sooo Pinoy Blogger is On!

A few months ago, Ken was part of the Sooo Pinoy food tour where they went around the Metro to have a taste of specialty dishes from different restaurants featuring Filipino cuisines and our all-time favorites. The goal of the Sooo Pinoy advocacy was to help deepen the appreciation and awareness of Filipinos towards our own food. They launched their Facebook community awhile back and now, they’re looking for the Ultimate Sooo Pinoy Blogger with the purpose of promoting Filipino cuisine. I know you all would agree that the Pinoy flavor is something we should be proud of. 🙂

Sooo Pinoy advocacy promotes appreciation of Pinoy cuisine

WIth that said, I invite our fellow foodie bloggers to take on this challenge. This will not just test your passion for our local cuisine, but also your blogging prowess.

The Search for the Ultimate Sooo Pinoy Blogger is on!

There will be 3 rounds for this challenge to determine the Ultimate Sooo Pinoy Blogger. But, before I tell you about that, let me tell you first what you can win if you join:

What’s at Stake?

A chance to rediscover the Philippines and experience the richness of Filipino cuisine

• 10 destinations
• 30 days
• 101 restaurants
• PhP 25,000 cash

Now, if the prizes didn’t pique the interest of the foodie in you, I don’t know what will. Imagine getting to travel around the Philippines and enjoying the food different restaurants here have to offer. Plus, you get Php 25,000 cash prize! 🙂

If you’re excited to know how to join, let me just remind you that you only have until October 24, 2011 to submit your entry to make it to Round 1. Here are the mechanics:

1. Post an article about Why Should You Be the Ultimate Sooo Pinoy Blogger. The
blog post must have a minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 500 words, with at
least 3 food shots and a photo of you dining in the restaurant. These are just the
minimum – there is no limit as to how much you want to express creativity!

2. Take a screenshot of the blog entry and email it to The
email must also contain the blog post URL, the contestant’s name and mobile number,
and the blog article itself (preferably in .doc or .docx format)

3. The blog post must not be altered or deleted until the end of the Search (until
December 15).


Key Dates for Round 1:

• October 5 to 24 – Submission of entries (3 weeks)
• October 25 to November 5 – Round 1 judging period (2 weeks)
• November 7 – Announcement of shortlisted contestants and Round 2 Challenge.

If you make it to Round 2, you’d get the next set of mechanics. Isn’t this exciting?!?!

Ken and I are still figuring out if we could make it to the deadline. We’re both having a VERY hectic week, but this is something we would LOVE to experience. Oh well. *sigh*

If you’re joining the search for the Ultimate Sooo Pinoy Blogger, let us know so we can check out your entry. 🙂

Farmer John Premium Potato Chips : A Flavorful Discovery

A few weeks ago, we were part of the first ever Blogapalooza, a project conceptualized by Vince Golangco of When in Manila and his friend Francis. Their goal was to provide a venue for businesses to connect with bloggers directly. At the event, each of the 50 brands was given their own time to pitch their products or services and gave us free samples and ways to try what they have to offer in the hopes of piquing our interest to write about them. One of the brands featured was Farmer John’s Premium Potato Chips. And after I got a taste at home, I just had to blog about them.

Farmer John's Premium Potato Chips

Farmer John Premium Potato Chips are products of Leslie’s Corporation, a well-known snacks company here in the Philippines. We actually featured one of their offerings before, Wild Willy’s Chicharrones, which we also loved. So, we had high expectations of this new product from them, especially after hearing their claims that these chips are made of farm-fresh (imported) Atlantic potatoes.

They are prepared right after they’re harvested to ensure freshness. They even have a Guarantee of Freshness seal at the back of the package saying that if you’re not satisfied with the freshness of the contents, they’ll replace them for free.

Continue reading Farmer John Premium Potato Chips : A Flavorful Discovery

Start Your Day Right with Jollibee Breakfast Joys Meals + Contest Alert!

The giveaway has already ended. Click here for the winners announcement.

Enjoying a fulfilling breakfast to start off your mornings is one thing most of us neglect. Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day and there are scientific facts to back that up. Our nanay knows this that’s why it’s been a family bonding moment for us since it’s actually the only time we get to enjoy a meal together during weekdays. 🙂

We believe that starting your mornings by having a delicious breakfast can affect your mood and can get you energized for a busy day ahead of you. Now, there’s no excuse to skipping breakfast no matter how hectic your schedule gets with the new Jollibee Breakfast Joys line-up of heartwarming meals.

Jollibee Breakfast Joy meal - Chicken Sausage with 2-pc Pancakes

Chicken Sausages with 2-piece Pancakes – Php 52.00

 Jollibee Breakfast Joy meal - Chicken Sausage with Rice and Egg

Chicken Sausages with Rice and Egg – Php 52.00

Continue reading Start Your Day Right with Jollibee Breakfast Joys Meals + Contest Alert!

Catch Up and Enjoy a Meal with Friends at Greenwich with Presyong Kaibigan

A few weeks ago, I got an invite from Greenwich for a pizza party with 10 of my friends. I immediately thought it would be a fun opportunity for me and my classmates from culinary school to finally bond. Sadly, the date we were supposed to have the dinner fell on the same day our school competed in WOFEX 2011.

Greenwich - Pizza and Pasta -

Then a few days passed, I was invited the second time but was told to bring just 3 friends for a more intimate dinner setup. And I thought that would be even better because it would save me the hassle of gathering up a bigger group.

Rhea Grace at Greenwich -

I asked my friend, Rhea Grace (watch out for her blog!), to tag along. She agreed and was very excited. Believe it or not, we haven’t seen each other for more than 6 years, so we had a lot of catching up to do. I missed her a lot for she’s one of my closest friends back in high school. We’ve kept contact through Facebook and Friendster, but nothing can really compare to the joy of “physically” enjoying a delicious dinner with people who are important to you.

Thanks to Greenwich for it was a wonderful opportunity for our reconciliation; and also for coming up with their Presyong Kaibigan promo which offers their mouth-watering pizzas and pastas at very affordable prices.  Now me and my friends can bond and enjoy nonstop without worrying about our food bill hitting sky high!

Greenwich Presyong Kaibigan -

The Presyong Kaibigan promo presents a wide selection of very affordable pizzas and pastas. Enjoy Greenwich’s Double-size Overloaded Pizza for only Php 199 which comes in two flavors – Ultimate Hawaiian Overload and Triple Ham & Cheese.

Continue reading Catch Up and Enjoy a Meal with Friends at Greenwich with Presyong Kaibigan

Only the Finest Decadence from Van Houten Chocolates

Chocolates. I’ve always loved them ever since I was a little kid. I mean, who didn’t enjoy the sweet flavors of chocolates when they were children? Back then, I only knew how to chomp them all up ’til my nanay would tell me I’ve had enough. It was after over 2 decades when I learned how to enjoy chocolates the "right" way. And a few weeks ago, at Society Lounge in Makati, Van Houten reminded me of how I can truly savour the decadent goodness only quality chocolates can offer.

Van Houten chocolate bars

Van Houten has been around for 180 years. I remember having my first taste of it when a family friend who came from the US brought us a canister of their chocolates back when I was in my teens. I can still recall thinking that they were indeed imported, high quality ones because I haven’t tasted anything that good from any loot my nanay brought home whenever she goes on her bi-monthly sweets shopping for us.

Van Houten's Legacy and what Cocoaphilia is all about

Van Houten is widely available here in the Philippines and they now offer varying flavor combinations that would surely please the cocoaphile in you.

Continue reading Only the Finest Decadence from Van Houten Chocolates

Milkita Lollipops and Candies – Milky Yummy Treats!

I remember back when I was working as a QA in a call center, there were nights when I can’t keep myself awake after listening to tens of calls that I have to finish evaluating at the end of my shift. Since we were not allowed to bring in chips or meals at our pod, I opted for candies and lollipops. My love for lollipops have always been there and now, with Milkita Milk Lollipop and Candy, I think it’s one craving I won’t outgrow.

Milkita Milk Lollipops come in 3 flavors - Strawberry, Chocolate and Melon

Milkita is the number 1 brand of candies in Indonesia, made by the confectionary company Unican. They are known for the real milk content while maintaining low sugar and fat in their calcium-enriched candies, which cannot be found in ordinary ones. In fact, 3 Milkita lollipops or 7 Milkita candies are equivalent to one glass of milk! I know parents out there will be glad to know this fact! 🙂

Milkita Lollipops come in 4 flavors I know you all would love – original (milk), strawberry, chocolate, and melon. Guess which one’s my favorite.

Continue reading Milkita Lollipops and Candies – Milky Yummy Treats!

Your All-Time Favorites at Flapjacks

A good restaurant values its customers’ opinions and suggestions. A way of showcasing this is when a certain dish makes a re-appearance on the menu due to popular demand from their avid patrons. And this is exactly what Flapjacks is doing now, by re-introducing four (4) of their signature dishes with Back…Better…Best!

You can start your meal by experiencing a nice play of textures and flavors with a plate of Mango Exotica. It’s a light but quite filling meal with a delightful mix of Romaine lettuce, sweet bites of California raisins, croutons, succulent grilled chicken slices, with almond slivers for that extra crunch, all tossed in a tangy and sweet mango vinaigrette.

Mango Exotica - Flapjacks - CertifiedFoodies

Mango Exotica (Lunch Php 195 | Dinner Php 325)

Another dish that is making a comeback is the Chicken Stuffed Parmigiana. It’s a plate of tender chicken breasts, stuffed with fresh cheddar cheese which are breaded then fried and topped on a bed of linguine pasta and marinara sauce.


Chicken Stuffed Parmigiana (Php 325)

This one is a personal favorite. The Lemon-Pepper Pan Seared White Fish is a plate of heavenly flavors with its mildly seasoned white fish with freshly squeezed lemon and pepper, pan fried in olive oil. It is served with herb rice and chef’s veggies.


Lemon-Pepper Pan Seared White Fish (Php 295)

The Original Hashbrown Burger closes the list of dishes for Flapjack’s “Back…Better…Best.” This huge burger is made up of mouth-watering pan-seared all-beef patty with fresh tomatoes and lettuce, topped with golden fried hash brown and American cheese, served with potato fries on the side.


Original Hashbrown Burger (Php 350)

And of course, aside from the “Back…Better…Best” selection, there are lots of other dishes, desserts and beverages you can try at Flapjacks.

For our beverages, I ordered the Ginger’s Lemonade, which was an amazing discovery. I’m a huge fan of lemonades, but this interpretation was surprisingly good and very refreshing. And come on, I used to hate ginger, but now with this drink, I don’t think I’ll ever want my lemonade without it.

My sister Mhel opted for the Granny’s Favorite probably because she’s ancient and all that. 😀 Kidding. I pushed her on ordering this because I was very intrigued how a combination of apples, oranges, and grapes would taste like. And again, the drink was such a revelation. You would think it’s a smoothie of a single fruit if you don’t stop and really taste what’s in it.


(Left) Ginger’s Lemonade – Php 75   |   (Right) Granny’s Favorite – Php 125

And to feed my obsession with hot wings, we ordered their Traditional Buffalo Wings. These are chicken wings lightly breaded, cooked to perfection, and served with bleu cheese dressing. Just the way I like it, the wings were very spicy and tangy because of the cayenne pepper hot sauce. And I loved how spooning out some bleu cheese dressing helped lessen the spiciness on my tongue.


Traditional Buffalo Wings (Php 295)

We also ordered the New Orleans Seafood Gumbo, which is a plate of  sautéed cajun spiced shrimps, calamari, and dory fish, served with garlic rice. And a little running tip for those who would like to try this dish: Don’t forget to squeeze the lemon. If not, the dish would come off as too salty.


New Orleans Seafood Gumbo (Php 265)

My sister and I really hope that this Bacon Wrapped Pork Medallions will never leave Flapjacks’ menu. It was so good that my sister can’t stop raving about that Tex-Mex (Texan-Mexican) rice giving a nice complement to those moist and tender pork medallions.


Bacon Wrapped Pork Medallions (Php 345)

Lastly for dessert, though I was really craving for some cheesecake, we ordered a plate of Bread Pudding. This dessert was just of the right sweetness. And it would have been better if the bread pudding was warmer than it was to provide a nice contrast in temperature with the vanilla ice cream. Not Flapjacks’ fault though. It took me over 10 minutes to get the shot that I want, so it went cold.


Bread Pudding (Php 195)

We dined at Flapjacks’ in Robinsons Place Manila Midtown. I loved the look and feel of the interiors, especially those light fixtures on the ceiling.




And this is me drinking Granny’s Favorite. It was my sister who took the shot. I was busy thinking of what to say about the drink, hence the serious face. 😀

Me seriously thinking about what to say about Granny's Favorite

Flapjacks made our wishes come true by bringing back our all-time favorite dishes with “Back…Better…Best,” and now it’s our time to drop them a visit and indulge.

Flapjacks restaurants are located in Greenbelt 2, Ayala Center; Theater Mall, Greenhills; Al Fresco, Midtown; and UP Ayala Technohub. To receive special news and deals from Flapjacks, sign up at or visit their website at