Breakfast Magazine : Uniquely Fresh, Satisfyingly Delicious

There is no doubt about it, my love for food can be traced back to my younger years when I first learned how to cook with my nanay‘s guidance. Since then, my thirst to learn more about food continued to grow and I enjoyed reading about everything related to food, may it be on a magazine, book, or a website. I lived vicariously through the writers’ stories of their latest food discoveries, how they travelled different parts of the country and the world to satisfy their curiosity (and tummy). And I share this passion for food with my brother Ken, one of the major reasons why we get along well. Little did we know that this year, 2012, after almost two years of writing for this blog, we’d be given an opportunity to write for a food magazine – Breakfast Magazine.

Breakfast Magazine - the freshest food magazine in the country to-date!

Breakfast Magazine is a bi-monthly publication. Their maiden issue was released last February 2012. I can describe the magazine as fresh and young, just like the team behind it led by Editor-in-Chief Alexis “Kim” Cuizon.

The Breakfast Magazine team and the amazing chefs

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear “Breakfast Magazine” is it’s going to be all about the most important meal of the day. But, they’re more than that. They aim to acquaint us with the people, where the ingredients come from and the stories behind the food, the restaurants, the products. Just like this blog, Breakfast Magazine is more personal. They take on a unique angle in their feature stories and theme in every issue. Heck, even the covers are so fabulous. 🙂

Breakfast Magazine first 3 issues

You’d probably expect a food magazine to have photos of delectable dishes on their cover, right? But, no. Breakfast Magazine’s first 3 issues feature people on the cover as they’re as interesting as the stories they have to tell. First was Judy Ann Santos-Agoncillo. Second is the lovely Iza Calzado. Followed by Pokwang – unlikely and unexpected, right? But, just look at how fab she looked at the front cover of the latest issue. I say the whole Breakfast Magazine team did an AWESOME job. I seriously can’t stop looking at that glamorous photo of Pokwang. 😉

Breakfast Magazine first 3 issues for 2012

And we’ve said it before, food triggers memories that we most likely have forgotten already. It can bring people together. It can heal us and comfort us on those very stressful days. What we eat, our relationship with food can somehow reveal something about us, what we’ve been through, our personality. And Breakfast Magazine puts focus on that. 🙂

Continue reading Breakfast Magazine : Uniquely Fresh, Satisfyingly Delicious

An Exciting New Beginning with Breakfast Magazine

Aside from our love for food, Ken and I also share a passion for writing. As far as I can remember, I’ve always kept a journal or a notebook where I write my deepest thoughts and a few random things. Ken also has a knack for writing and, in fact, he was the one who wanted to put up his own blog first, but I beat him to it. With all that said, it’s been a dream of ours to be published in a broadsheet or a magazine. And this year, we fulfilled it. We’re glad to be part of Breakfast Magazine.

Breakfast Magazine is now available at news stands and bookstores -

Breakfast Magazine is the newest foodie publication in the Philippines today. You might be thinking that all we talk about in the mag is breakfast, what people generally consider the most important meal of the day. The magazine is all about food – may it be breakfast, lunch, dinner or the enjoyment of food  in between.

The maiden issue of Breakfast Magazine was launched this month. It’s a bi-monthly publication and every issue, we follow a theme. For February and March, it was just expected that it’s all about love and food. 🙂

Food Bloggers have their own section in Breakfast Magazine -

When we were approached to be part of Breakfast Magazine, we were excited about it, but wondered if we are ready. This food blog will only turn 2 this year (we have a giveaway coming up!), but we are indeed touched by the overwhelming support we’re getting from fellow certified foodies. We love blogging and writing, but we thought coming up with articles for a magazine is a completely different ballgame. But, we brushed those doubts aside and we agreed.

Continue reading An Exciting New Beginning with Breakfast Magazine

See You at the Appetite Restaurant Festival 2011!

Have you heard? Appetite Magazine is celebrating their anniversary again with a bang! Foodies like us can indulge ourselves as we enjoy specially prepared dishes at their yearly Appetite Restaurant Festival. It’s happening on October 13th at the Shangri-la Plaza Mall.

Appetite Restaurant Festival 2011 - Taste the World! 

If you want to win an exclusive invite for you and a friend, join their Facebook promo. Here are the mechanics:

1. Download the photo above from here or by going to Appetite Magazine’s Facebook page.

2. Upload the photo on THEIR FB page’s wall with the following caption / text:

I want to go to the Appetite Restaurant Festival!

3. Ask your friends to “like” your post.

The  top 3 photos with the most number of likes will get 2 invites each to this exclusive event.

What are you waiting for?! Join now! If you get in, let us know so we could meet you at the Appetite Restaurant Festival 2011. See yah! 🙂

FOOD Magazine Introduces New Editor in Chief

Last July 26th, we were invited by FOOD Magazine, the country’s largest selling culinary magazine, to welcome their new Editor-in-Chief, Anna Marie “Nana” Ozaeta.

The new Editor in Chief of Food Magazine Nana Ozaeta -

Nana Ozaeta promises more exciting features for all the food lovers out there from FOOD Magazine. And along with the interesting changes is the magazine’s new look. Here’s their August 2011 cover:

The new look of FOOD Magazine -

As you can see, the name of the magazine is more colorful and the layout is more enticing.

The welcome party happened in The Stock Market in Bonifacio High Street. We’ve already been there when we were introduced to the new and yummier menu of the restaurant, all conceptualized by Chef Boom Jota. So, we knew we’re going to love what they were serving us for lunch.

Continue reading FOOD Magazine Introduces New Editor in Chief