McDo Twister Fries are Back : Limited Time, Limited Serving (Extended!)

McDo Twister Fries are back! - Prioritize the Twister FriesYes, McDonald’s Twister Fries are back! But, for a VERY limited time only, that’s why they’re urging us to “Prioritize the Twister Fries”. It’ll be available until August 25th only September 16, 2012 (EXTENDED!).

I LOVE McDo’s Twister Fries, so when I found out that they’re bringing them back, I couldn’t wait any longer. Last night, we had some delivered, along with their Big ‘N Tasty burger (which is now my favorite among McDonald’s burgers – will blog about this next).

The Twister Fries are priced at Php 59 when you order à la carte, Php 78 with regular Coke McFloat or Php 88 with a Monster Coke McFloat.

Before I ordered, I already saw the ads and people on my list sharing photos of their Twister Fries orders. I thought that for Php 59, I will get a large order or serving since it was the only option for à la carte. Well, I ordered 3 ’cause I thought our parents can just share – I don’t want them eating a heavy meal before bed. Here’s what we got:

McDonald's Twister Fries - new packaging, fewer Twister Fries

Oh, since the photo above might look like the boxes were big, I took a photo beside a regular pack of Sky Flakes. Pardon the quality – I only used my phone.

McDo Twister Fries - comparing the size with a Sky Flakes pack

We were disappointed. For Php 59, I don’t think it was worth my money. I remember their old packaging (photo below was from a delivery in 2010). It cost Php 58 for that much Twister Fries.

McDonald's Twister Fries back in 2010

I called 8-MCDO to verify that there’s no other serving size. I thought that they might have given us the smaller size. Nope, they only have 1 serving size for these Twister Fries. 😐

Alright, I know, sometimes, this really happens. For a food place, especially McDonald’s that serves fast food, the quality of food you’d get would depend on the source branch’s maintenance. But, I’m not happy about McDonald’s changing the packaging ’cause you’d get fewer fries included in every serving. They cut out the top of the front, so there’s a small space available for your Twister Fries. Sneaky, sneaky.

Don’t worry, McDonald’s. We still love your Twister Fries. But, I don’t think we’ll have some delivered again. And we sincerely hope that when you bring back the Twister Fries next time, please don’t be too stingy. Nakakabitin eh! 😐

Maybe, when we visit one of your other branches in the next few days before the end of the “limited time” you’re offering this, we’ll order them again and, MAYBE, we’ll be served more than what we got last night. However, Ken and I agreed that, for now, we’ll get more value from KFC’s Bucket of Fries, which is sold at Php 58. Just sayin’. 😉

McDo Twister Fries - I wish we had tihs many

22 thoughts on “McDo Twister Fries are Back : Limited Time, Limited Serving (Extended!)”

  1. My office mates had some of these ordered too for our whole team and when they gave me my fries, I took one look at it and I was all: “Did you guys eat my share?” :)) It was really that small of a serving! So I totally agree with you!

    I’m honestly not a fan of this Twister thing because still ‘fries’ to me, but yeah… this was indeed very disappointing for a price of P59.

  2. Awww… that’s sad. I love Twister Fries ever since but if that’s what I’ll be getting with P59, yeah… I’d rather order the KFC bucket fries. This one’s actually my favorite fries right now – it’s loaded.

    1. Yeah, super disappointed. When I opened the paper bag talaga, I was like… SERIOUSLY?! I immediately called their delivery hotline to verify. Pffftttt >_<

      We love KFC's fries, and they almost (barely) taste the same, so we'd rather order from KFC.

  3. Aawww, nag-sentimiyento pa naman ako cause I am on a diet right now and Twister Fries is only gonna be available for three weeks. I love Twister Fries too pero kung ganyan naman ang serving, it’s gonna be worth it to buy one.

  4. I posted a picture of the Twister Fries we ordered yesterday in FB. It had the same stingy amount and the fries weren’t as curly as the ones in their ads. You’re right, it was really disappointing.

  5. Aaaay. daya. I love the twister fries though I rarely order it. I don’t frequent fast food chains kasi. Disappointing talaga serving size ngayon. Para hindi taasan yun price, kinokontian or lumiliit yung item. Like yung quarter pounder burger ng McDo ngayon, ganyan yung size nung regular cheeseburger nung 90s. At yung quarter pounder na yon, wala nang quarter pounds. Sino ginagago nila? Pero tayo, gustong gusto natin at bili pa rin ng bili. Hay. Magkano lang ba ang patatas at ang mahal ng twister fries na yan? =))

    1. That’s what Ken said nga rin – ginto daw ba ang patatas ng McDo at ang mahal ng Twister Fries? :))

      We actually only eat fast food when at home – pag nagkatamarang magluto. So, I doubt we’d order McDo’s Twister Fries ulit. Sobrang lugi. Their Big ‘N Tasty is good though.

  6. aww ang daya nga 🙁 I haven’t bought one yet despite all the hype! lol. I tried Big N’ Tasty the other day, I was so disppointed.

  7. The same thing happened to me :/
    McDonald’s here in PH kasi weighs the fries they serve, unlike in other countries. Kahit ung regular fries nila ganun din :/

    Anyhow, I got to eat, but I won’t buy again for the remaining two weeks.

  8. it’s good news that these fries are back and I can’t complain about the serving. However, if I become a pres of this country, i’ll make it a rule that Mcdonald’s should serve more of ’em with much lesser price

  9. I was excited with the comeback of Twister Fries too. I ordered two yesterday (from 2 different branches) and was disappointed. The 2nd one didn’t even have curly fries – the fries were only curved, not curly 🙁

  10. overhyped masyado! bili na lang kayo yung twister fries sa supermarket. O kaya yung sa kfc medyo mas makapal at di nga lang twisted.

  11. I was so excited when I saw that twister fries are back! However, bitin nga! 🙁 Oh well, at least I’m satisfied for now. But I won’t be ordering them anytime soon.

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