Tupperware Speedy Chopper

Tupperware Speedy Chopper : A Kitchen Must-Have

When Ken and I decided to feature some of our top favorite restaurants and products we wrote about here on our blog over the past year for our anniversary giveaway, the very first thing that came to mind was the Tupperware Speedy Chopper. I swear, it’s one of the niftiest kitchen tools ever. πŸ™‚

Tupperware Speedy Chopper

Among everyone in my family, I’m the one who’s most ecstatic about the Speedy Chopper because I don’t like the hassle of finely chopping ingredients for anything I’m planning on cooking at home. I mentioned on our first post about it that I do love to cook, but because of my very busy schedule, preparing ingredients has been one of the reasons why I spend less time in the kitchen actually cooking. This lightweight chopper has changed that. πŸ™‚

Tupperware Speedy Chopper - let's chop some garlic!

The one ingredient I HATE chopping the most is garlic, and I bet a lot of you can relate to this. I don’t like its pungent smell on my fingers. But, it’s one of the best ingredients there is that can give dishes a kick of flavor. Thankfully, with the Tupperware Speedy Chopper, I won’t have to worry about its strong smell staying on me.

Tupperware Speedy Chopper - it's easy to use

Hand model is our nanay πŸ™‚

The Speedy Chopper is VERY easy to use, and doesn’t take much effort and time to cut or chop ingredients with it. It has an ergonomic shape that makes it more comfortable for you to grip on the cover while you pull on the cord.

Tupperware Speedy Chopper components

It has three (3) sharp blades and by just pulling the cord, they can simulate 288 knife strokes, which enable you to cut your cooking preparation to half the time.

Not only can you chop or grind ingredients like herbs (basil, mint, parsley, thyme, etc) and vegetables (onions, carrots, garlic, etc) with this kitchen tool, you can also use the Speedy Chopper to mix or blend ingredients to make your sauces, purees or dips. The number of times you pull on the cord depends on the consistency you want. I was able to finely chop the garlic pictured here in just eight (8) quick pulls which took me about 5 seconds. Cool, huh? πŸ˜‰

Tupperware Speedy Chopper - with a few pulls, you can finely chop garlic

This is definitely one of our most highly recommended products because it’s lightweight, easy to use, effective, and stain-resistant. Plus, it’s from Tupperware, so you can be assured of the highest quality of materials used. It also doesn’t take up a lot of space in your kitchen. No need to put out a blender or food processor anytime you need to finely chop or grind anything.

Since this Speedy Chopper doesn’t require electricity to function, you can bring it for picnics if you want to make fresh salsa or dips, or on out-of-town trips. It’s also very easy to clean and the smell, even of garlic, doesn’t stick to it. I can go on singing praises about this kitchen tool, seriously. πŸ˜‰

See how finely chopped the garlic is with the Tupperware Speedy Chopper

The Tupperware Speedy Chopper is priced at Php 1,499 and can only be bought through Tupperware Brands branches nationwide. You can visit their links below for more information:

Tupperware Speedy Chopper - lightweight but very useful

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Congratulations to the winners!

Elinor Semira, Czaroma Roman, Alston Cue, Rhealyn De Leon Bracero, Jill Roque

Please wait for our email and respond ASAP! πŸ™‚

194 thoughts on “Tupperware Speedy Chopper : A Kitchen Must-Have”

  1. it’ll make it easier of us to cook if we have the speedy chopper. i hate onions, the smell sticks on my hands.. plus it makes me teary-eyed all the time. haha.

  2. It will help a lot. specially when you don’t have time to chopped. less time you need to consume in chopping. less mess and cleaner cooking area. convenient and practically usable. 

  3. Thanks for  this Giveaway I wanna win this for my small canteen business infront of  school Coz I always in hurry to prepare all our ingredients,Especially this school season again.I  haTE to chop onions coz I’m always teary =)

  4. Tupperware Speedy Chopper will help me prepare my ingredients for cooking faster than usual, plus my nails won’t stink anymore because I don’t need to chop garlic. πŸ™‚

  5. It will make our lives easier in our condo. No need to be cut our fingers when chopping garlic and onion. πŸ™‚

  6. i love your giveaway and your blog.. im a single parent who loves cooking so much. its my daily task to cook for my son and my family. and the only thing that i hate when doing this is when i’m doing a minced garlic and onions. ‘coz the odor really does stays in your hands for quite a while. so its minus ganda points in time i’m sending my son to school and i smells like a raw longganisa..  but im pretty sure if ill win this tupperware easy chop, it would be much easier for me and ill be smelling fabulousa when my boyfriend comes home.

  7. The Tupperware Speedy Chopper will help me chop faster and easier all the small veggies like garlic and onions that i usually use in my recipes it will help alot for me to shorten my time to cook for my kids and hubby :))

  8. I love this Tupperware speedy chopper! This will be the best solution for my everyday dilemma. I have a small carinderia here in our place and chopping those ingredients especially the “pang gisa” really eat most of my time and more often I end up in a messy working area. This will not only make my chopping time faster and more precise in size and without the smelly fingers and lots of bits of garlic or onions scattered on my working table. I really have problem on garlic and this will surely solve my problem. Hope to win πŸ™‚ God bless you!

  9. Chopping small items is the hardest.  I hate chopping nuts bec. they are so slippery & tupperware speedy chopper will make things easier for me!

  10. Actually, I want to give this Tupperware Speedy Chopper to my mother because she likes to cook. It will help her chop the ingredients faster without worrying about cutting her skin.

  11.  Tupperware Speedy Chopper will help me to easily prepare all the ingredients i need for cooking. So time saving and not messy.. πŸ™‚

  12. Since my kids love spaghetti this will help me to speed up my cooking skills because i took so long in slicing  carrots. 

  13. My mother in-law is a high blood, so she always eat garlic, and instead of mincing it by pieces and leave my hands an aweful smell, with this I will make it easier to cut/minced garlic even everyday!! Γ‚Β πŸ™‚

  14. Since, I love to cook, the Tupperware Speedy Chopper will help me in preparing the ingredients as simple as possible particularly, when I chop onions.  I hate chopping onions because I always makes me cry. Thus, the faster I could chop the ingredients, then, we could eat earlier..:)

  15. I can chop things up fast with a handy and portable Tupperware Speedy Chopper that requires no electricity. Chopping is one of the most time-consuming kitchen task, and what I dislike most is chopping onions as it makes me cry… 

  16. I can say that the Tupperware Speedy Chopper is so amazing tool, it will help me a lot on my cooking preparations. It offers lots of advantages for us because through using this potent tool we can save time and effort in preparing the ingredients and we can also use this in mixing or blending ingredients for our sauce, purees or dip.
    The ingredients that I hate to chop are garlic and onion, but through this tool I’ll definitely never hate to chop these anymore because this tool is really effective ,and easy and comfortable to use.

    I wish to win this Tupperware Speedy Chopper cause it can make our life easy and fantastic through it’s purposes that contribute a lot for our benefits and satisfactions.

  17. i hate chopping garlic and red pepper (siling pula).. urgh! good thing there’s Tupperware Speedy Chopper.. with this, i can do chili sauce easily without having the smell of garlic in my hands! πŸ™‚

    Josephine Soliman Gregorio

  18. I hate chopping onions. It really makes me teary and sometimes irritates my eyes. Good thing to know there’s Tupperware Speedy Chopper, it doesn’t only makes chopping easy for me, it also saves me from crying πŸ™‚

  19. i hate chopping onions it makes me crying  and because of 
    Tupperware Speedy Chopper chopping onions is easy for me and it will help me easily prepare all ingredient’s….

  20. Tupperware speedy chopper will make chopping of  vegetable faster and make chopping onion and garlic much finer and easier.

  21. Love to win one of this Speedy chopper from Tupperware Philippines and Certified Foodies! I’m a mom and I love to cook, so this would cut my time in preparing the ingredients in halftime, I hate onions, garlic and siling labuyo!!!  <3 Γ‚Β πŸ˜‰

  22. wow!! very useful for a working mom like me.. no hassle to chop ingredients, especially garlic and onions.. πŸ™‚

  23. Being a Kapampangan, it’s not just our family but the whole clan who has passion in cooking. We would set family gatherings almost every weekend and the thing that eats most of our time is chopping ingredients. The Tupperware Speedy Chopper would be a very big blessing because it will ease up our food preparation. And since we love having pica pica too like Nachos, I hate it when I am assigned to cutting the celery, tomatoes, basil, pepper, onions and garlic which are the main ingredients in making  the fresh salsa. My family would be amazed how fast I am in doing the salsa next time once I win this Speedy Chopper!

  24. hate chopping period.. πŸ™‚  the speedy chopper will look great in our small kitchen πŸ™‚

  25. As a mom, the speedy chopper will help me prepare my baby’s foods. She’s in solid feeding now. πŸ™‚ It will help me make my own baby food using carrots, squash, potato etc. πŸ™‚

  26. The speedy chopper will definitely safe me time in chopping things that I need for cooking, no need for those bulky machines.  I hate chopping onions the most.

  27. The speedy chopper help me to to chop my ingredients on kitchen as fast safe and fun. 

    I love it,it will avoid cutting my fingers when I used my knife. to chop my onions,and garlic and etc. πŸ™‚

  28. The speedy chopper of Tupperwre is surely  handy tool in the kitchen! I always get irritated when chopping onions for my special spaghetti, my daughter and husband are both spaghetti monsters and they love it with more white onions, so hoping to win this tool to sve time in cooking nd more time to bond and play with them πŸ™‚

  29. This Tupperware Speedy Chopper will surely help us in chopping garlic,  we love garlic very much, lalo na sa sinangag. Congrats

  30. I love Tupperware speedy chopper it will help me cook easier and prepare the garlic and onion for my recipes,its the toughest one to chop made eyes teary.Wish to have it.I really love cooking!

  31. OMG! I really want this. This tupperware speedy chopper would really help us not only prepare our meals, but also prepare my baby’s food as well. No more hard time mashing, grinding and chopping fresh fruits and veggies! This surely will help us!

  32. the Tupperware speddy chopper will help me a lot specially in chopping the garlic, onion, carrots it’s easy to prepare when you are in hurry to cook for when your time is too short for cutting those ingredients. 

  33. it will help me and the husband chop onions and garlic when we cook together on weekends. i love Tupperware ever since.

  34. Always hated chopping garlic and onion ‘cos the smell sticks on your fingers. πŸ™ This new speedy chopper will help me prepare quick chopped Oreos to top our desserts. πŸ™‚

  35. my daughter is picky eater so i am always have hard time in chopping veggies pra hndi nya alam n may veggies sa food nya! and this speedy chopper will help me lessen my burden in chopping veggies,and onions that always makes me cry πŸ™‚

  36. i love to cook and eat of course but i super hate preparing the ingredients of the food im gonna cook especially onions and garlic which is a staple in most of my recipes, so this tupperware speedy chopper will help me a lot!

  37. Really hate chopping onion, sayote and garlic, not that I dont like them but it really takes time when coooking. This tupperware speedy chopper will do the trick for sure!

  38. this will help me cut faster and chopped diced onions garlic easier and safer i can make use of my time in other things.

  39. The Tupperware Speedy Chopper will surely help me cook and prepare food easily. My little boy is a bit of picky eater and he always prefer food in small pieces.  How I wish I will gonna have one of this.

  40. Tupperware Speedy Chopper will help me speed up not just early mornings  cooking butany time of the day, esp preparing food for my baby, he’s starting solids now.  I hate chopping sibuyas tagalog(red onion) & garlic but i love the taste it gives to our food.

  41. Have to agree that cutting ingredients is time-consuming. I already have a manual chopper for all things like garlic and onion, and although it’s effective in what it’s supposed to do, it looks like the Tupperware Speedy Chopper is easier to use. I don’t have to exert energy just to mince ingredients because the pulling mechanism will do it for me. And for that, I want my own Speedy Chopper.

  42. The ingredient/s i hate chopping or cutting the most is Onions and Garlic Because it makes me cry and time consuming. 
    Tupperware Speedy Chopper help will me in my cooking by lessening the chopping.

  43. Onions definitely! I’ll actually give this to my mom (in case I win XD)I’m sure she’ll save a lot of time.

  44. hi, I really loved to cook and i think the chopper will help me a lot specially when chopping garlic and onions which i really hate to do when i cook. I hope i win this one. Tnx.

  45. I hate chopping onions! I really dread and detest anything in the kitchen that has something to do with  onion. It’s been over a year I stopped getting myself near it, don’t want to touch it ever again with my bare hands. My eyes all the more hate it. So, yes this product would be heaven sent.  The last time I held one to chop up, the odor stank me for weeks. OC washing did not get rid of its odor from my palms that my whole body started reeking the odor. It was a suffering for someone with TMAU-like condition.

  46. OMG, i hate chopping garlic, onions and ginger not just because of the smell that sticks in my fingers but because chopping these gives me allergies on my fingers.  i get blisters which are very itchy and then when the water in the blisters pops out, my fingers are so mahapdi na because of tiny sores. i really pray to have this.

  47. I don’t like chopping period because of my poor eyesight. I always end up cutting myself. And like the others, I don’t like chopping garlic and onions because of the smell. 

  48. i love experimenting on cooking but most of the time, my schedule won’t let me because preparation time is so consuming. having this speedy chopper will save a lot of time in food preparation! plus it’s tupperware. a proven brand of quality which won’t affect the flavors of the food πŸ™‚

  49. Since we are a big family, each meal is like a fiesta.  My mama and papa loves to cook and most of the time I am their assistant, we love garlic and onions but chopping those ingredients brings a burning feeling to my fingers and non-stop tears to my eyes. My mama and I really needs this. πŸ™‚

  50. Im having a hard time chopping… Its a big help saving time especially now Im a mommy!

  51. i love cooking for my family especially during weekends/during my days off.  tupperware speedy chopper will help me save time in chopping garlic and other ingredients and serve the food I cooked always on time.

  52. Tupperware Speedy Chopper will really help me a lot in cooking. Chopping is what I hate most when cooking, especially in chopping onions. It makes me cry, but when I’m going to use Tupperware Speedy Chopper, it would make me happy while cooking πŸ™‚

  53. Tupperware Speedy Chopper will help my mom to chop ingredients faster and will saves time. I’ll give this to my mom as a late mothers day gift coz she loves to cook. She hates to chop onions & garlic, it’s hard to remove the smell on fingers.

  54. My hubby love cooking.. and as his assistant i’m the one chop garlic, onions and gingers it takes time.. and now with the use of Tupperware Speedy Chopper it will be easier and faster for me to prepare… 

  55. The Tupperware Speedy Chopper will lessen the time for food preparations.  I just  hate chopping onions because it always bring tears into my eyes. πŸ™‚

  56. i love cooking, i cooked for my family everyday, but i hate chopping onions and garlic because smells bad and made me cry, so it is a big help for me, because of easy chopping and fast chopping, and less consume of time . i think i will be a very good  cooker if i have this product!

  57. I love cooking, but i hate chopping onions it makes me cry and mincing garlic. If i have this Tupperware  Speedy Chopper will surely a big help for me.

  58. I hate chopping onions. I get teary-eyed; it makes my eyes hurt. The Speedy Chopper would be great help in the kitchen.

  59. I would love to win this because it will be easier for me to chop and cook faster!
    This is really a must have for me because I didn’t know how to chop by using a knife…

    Hoping to win this^^<

  60. Would be very happy to win this because it will help me to chop much faster. That being said less time for preparing ingredients. πŸ˜€ Thanks for the chance!

  61. i would love to have this but i’m DEFINITE MUM WOULD LOVE ME EVEN MORE IF SHE GETS THIS–lol!!!!!!xoxoxox

  62. p.s…..garlic is w/o a doubt hard to chop… this will make loads of chopping jobs easier for Mum…:)

  63. hate copping onions coz it always makes me cry! πŸ™ this will be very helpful for me..:)

  64. If I’ll be given a chance to have this, I’ll give it to my mom coz I can see her as she chops onions, she’s really struggling (exaggerating, but to be honest she’s really in tears) when chopping them, so I think this will be very helpful for her. Save time and also save tears, hahaha…

  65. onions and garlic are difficult to chop/slice because it makes your eyes watery and its strong scent/spice when gets constantly rubbed on the hands can be  sting on the hands!

  66. It will take a little time to chop some ingredients  if you have this speedy chopper especially those needs tiny chops.. This will really helps a lot in the kitchen..:D

  67. it really helps to chop garlic/onion easier and faster,love it!!!can’t wait to have this soon:))

  68. For sure it will save time and effort in cooking that will enable you to have more time to other tasks.  And I will certainly use this to chop onions!!!

  69. it really helps to chop garlic/onion faster and easier,love it!!! I can’t wait to have this soon:))

  70. I’d love to have this chopper because Ilove to cook but I hate chopping onions! Stinging in the eyes… makes me cry every single time!

  71. i love cooking but it is too hard for me in chopping onions and garlic, it made me cry and leave a bad odor in my hand. i always cook for my family specially for my baon in school, and if ever i will get this no more hassle, and less consume in time, so please pick me up!

  72. this will be very helpful to us specially during preparations for fiesta, birthdays and other events that involve lots of chopping and cooking – Jacqueline Canuto

  73. am in my cooking experiment mode… this will definitely help me in my explorations… i hate chopping chillies! hehe

  74. Tupperware Speedy Chopper help you in your cooking?

    Will help me prepare my meals(breakfast and lunch) in the morning. It really takes my time chopping and dicing some veggies that I am fond such as carrotas, onion, garlic, ginger and my favorite is scallion – for fried rice. πŸ™‚

  75. I hate onions because it makes me teary-eyed. 

    With Tupperware Speedy Chopper, it’s convenient and lessens your time for chopping different ingredients especially for parties.

  76. I love to cook but I hate onions and garlic to chop by using only knife.. thanks there’s a tupperware speedy chopper!

  77. The Tupperware Speedy Chopper will help me chop vegetables and mix almost any recipe!
    Quick-and-easy alternative to electric food processors. I hate chopping garlic and onions.

  78. i hate chopping onions, but this will be a great use for i fry garlic alot:) and for chopping carrot & turnips for the shanghai

  79. I really hate chopping garlic and I know that if I will win this tupperware speedy chopper it will makes my work easier and I can have my time to work for other dish

  80. I just borrowed this chopper from my mom today because I am planning on making lumpiang shanghai so I need onions and carrots to be finely chopped so this chopper would be a very big help. 

  81. It will absolutely make chopping easier. Plus, less knife cuts! LOL I hate chopping onions & garlic!

  82. I WANT THIS FORRRRR MY MOM!! she cook and sell almusal, it’ll help her do those things easy!!!:))

  83. This would be very handy in chopping garlic; we ‘try’ to make our own garlic bread at home (the kids are crazy about garlic breads).

  84. The Tupperware Speedy Chopper can save my day because i must admit i am not good in chopping ingredients. I hate chopping onions too it makes me a dramatic actress.

  85. i hate chopping onion & garlic. the stink sticks to my hands. this would be a big help.

  86. Garlic and onion, just like everyone else. Haha. This speedy chopper from Tupperware would surely make my overall cooking convenient and efficient.

  87. I hate to chop garlic and onions! Hope I win this! This would be great for chopping onions.

  88. I dont hate chopping onion and garlic, but having this speedy chopper will make the task more enjoyable.

  89. Second to my mom, I love cooking, and my family loves my cooking too:) chopping lots of onions, specially for pasta sauces can really be very tiring- this gadget will be such a wonderful kitchen companion

  90. Every minute coounts, since im a mom of two and i run a sari sari store, using a tupperware chopper can really help me do my cooking fast and easy.

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