Pizza Hut Cheesy 7 : For a Merry Cheesemas!

If you’ve been following us on Instagram or Facebook, you probably already know how much we love pizza. One of the pizza joints we frequent is Pizza Hut. When we found out about Cheesy 7, their new pizza in time for Christmas, we knew we just had to try it.

Pizza Hut Cheesy 7 pizza

Last week, they sent us a box of Pizza Hut’s Cheesy 7 family-sized pizza. We couldn’t wait to devour the whole thing! 😀 We are true-blue cheese lovers, so imagine how excited we were to have a taste.

The pizza was named Cheesy 7 because it’s topped with 7 imported cheeses that will definitely make any cheese lover’s mouth water: mozzarella, parmesan, provolone, Monterey Jack, Romano, Cheddar and balls of cream cheese. *wipes drool* 😀

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