Cafe Uno of Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao for USPB Potato Safari 3

Last December 2015, I was invited by the US Potato Board (USPB) to join their Potato Safari 3 in Davao City. We stayed at the Waterfront Insular Hotel, a beautiful beachfront hotel which was only 20-30 minutes away from the airport. On our first night at Davao City, we had dinner at the hotel’s Cafe Uno.

Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao City for USPB Potato Safari 3

The cozy and classy Cafe Uno at the Waterfront Insular Hotel is a perfect place to chill with great friends while relishing cocktails after a hard day’s work. It is a setting ideal for enjoying great conversations while listening to comforting jazz and R&B music.

Cafe Uno at Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao City

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