Craving for A&W Sparkling Vanilla Cream Soda

One of my top indulgences when it comes to food or beverages is A&W’s Root Beer. I actually wrote about it last year and it was awesome to find out that there are many others who miss their root beer, too.

A&W Rootbeer - my favorite! -

A&W stores here in the Philippines closed back in 2004. I was one of those who were disappointed by that news ‘cause I super love their root beer floats. That’s why everytime I see cans of A&W root beer when I go grocery-shopping, I can’t help but grab 2-4 cans of it. That’s how much I love root beer.

In my previous post about A&W root beer, someone in the comments section mentioned A&W’s Root Beer Cream Soda.

veeraf: guys, do you know where I can find A&W root beer cream soda? yung vanilla? 😀

I haven’t tried it and wasn’t familiar with it yet, hence I only got to reply to the comment now. Sorry. 😀

Anyway, while we were grocery-shopping at SM Hypermarket in North Edsa, I found it!

A&W's Sparkling Vanilla Cream Soda -

I’m a li’l skeptical if I’d enjoy it so I only got 2 cans just so I can have a taste. How was it? Imagine enjoying a mug of A&W’s Root Beer float, with the vanilla ice cream already completely mixed with the root beer. It’s a bit sweet for my taste, but I super enjoyed it when it was really ice-cold. Great for those days when you just want to sit back and enjoy a movie with popcorn or homemade burgers. Wew. 😀

Continue reading Craving for A&W Sparkling Vanilla Cream Soda

I Miss A&W Root Beer and Float, too!

I remember, everytime we go to SM North Edsa in Quezon City, I never miss going to the A&W store at the Annex. Their root beer float is the best I’ve had and I so love their root beer, too.

Too bad that all the A&W stores here in the Philippines closed 6 years ago, in 2004. I so miss their root beer and their float, served in their heavy mugs, topped with vanilla ice cream scoops that complements A&W’s root beer so well.

Okay, I may be a li’l exaggerating here, but A&W root beer is the BEST I’ve tried. Well, I’ve only tried 4 brands of root beer – Mug, A&W, Zest-o and this other brand we bought from a duty-free shop in Subic, I forgot the name. And if you love root beer, too, you’d completely agree with me that A&W is THE best in making them.

A&W Root Beer Float -

It’s been years since I last had a taste of A&W’s root beer. I tried to make my own root beer float at home using Zest-o’s root beer and my favorite vanilla ice cream, but the taste is just not the same. Even the fizz and the froth were different.

Root beer float using Zest-o and Nestle Vanilla Ice Cream -

So, I was really glad when I found these A&W root beer in cans the last time we were at SM Hypermarket in Mall of Asia. I was too excited to have a taste of their root beer again that I put one can in the freezer so it’ll be ice-cold quickly.

MY Ice-cold A&W Root Beer in can -

And, when I pop-opened the can, the aroma of A&W’s root beer brought back sweet memories when I used to dine at their old store in SM. I really missed those times when I used to meet my friends (or boyfriend) in SM. It’s like whenever I’m near any A&W store, I can’t help but crave for a mug-full of their root beer float.

The A&W root beer in cans though aren’t as good as the ones they had in their stores, coming out of their taps in their serving area. It was different. But, still, I’m just happy I can still enjoy my favorite root beer.

A&W Root Beer in Cans -

I remember a couple of my fellow foodie bloggers talking about A&W and why they closed their stores here in the Philippines. Some said they weren’t able to catch on to the Filipinos’ taste. But, I think we’re more mature now as a nation to appreciate A&W’s food. Just look at all the food bloggers and foodies out there who are now into trying out different things. I know a lot of us miss A&W’s root beer. I just wish they’ll open stores here again.

Enjoying my A&W Root Beer -

For now, I’m just going to enjoy my A&W root beer in cans. ♥♥♥


For the Love of Root Beer…

Written by blankpixels

Our entry this week for:

Image credit for A&W Root Beer float: Allenooi